-Why did you choose this enigmatic forest for your documentary?
It was a simple decision. The Mata Atlantica is a very important part of Brasil and in need of help.How long did you stay in Brazil to shoot your film? The cameramen spent months, often returning to a location to complete sequences such as Iguazu falls and swifts and the Blue Manakins.
-Were there any problems?
A few, but there always are !
-What were the most beautiful days/aspects of your journey/work?
I think everyone enjoyed working at Iguazu and with the muriquis
-Forest has continued to be cleared. What do you think about this problem?
There is a real dilemma for the Brasiian people. There is a big population and a need for land but without the forest there is a real danger of running out of water. Sao Paulo has suffered terribly from drought recently.
-Any solutions in your opinion?
I hope that the most important parts of the Mata Atlantica are protected and that corridors are created to stop animals being isolated and trapped in the remaining pockets. By reforesting, the mountains will again catch the clouds and bring the all-important rains.
-How many documentaries have you shot in your life?
I haven’t counted but over 40 !
-Which is the most important for you and why?
Not easy to answer that question. Each film has its importance.
-What future projects for your work do you have?
I’m currently working on 3-part series on SE Asia. WE have been filming Orang Utan, fiddler crabs, water monitors, and another film trip starts on Monday to film gibbons. I hope it will be a special series.
-Is not the first time at Festival for you, what do you think about it?
I have bene lucky enough to visit Sondrio. I loved the festival and its lively and friendly atmosphere