Why did you choose this particular place for your documentary?
How long did you shoot? What were the most beautiful aspects?
I spent endless hours and days in a small degraded moor in upper Bavaria where my grandparents had friends close to. It was my favorite place on earth at that time and I was a small expert in finding slow worms, frogs and adders. And still today it is magical to be out in any moor in early morning, before cars and airplanes destroy the silence of the awakening day. Sitting amidst the moor vegetation covered by millions ofdewdrops and guarding a timelapse of the fight between mist and sun was great on many occasions during the last three years.
How many documentaries have you shot in your life? Which is the most important for you?
We shot around 40 documentaries so far. My alltime favorites are “The Meadow”, “Poppies Promise” and “The Green Universe”. But we are about to complete two films which might be added to my personal hit list soon…
What about future projects?
We are starting to work in Australia next year and continue with filming in USA (Great Smoky Mountains National park) and Slovakia. Apart from that we are working on a film about Bavarian Lake Chiemsee, a small series about Eagles and we work on a theatrical version of “The Moor”
You have already been at Sondrio Festival. What do you think about it and Sondrio?
What do you think about Valtellina and Sondrio? Unfortunately I have not been able to attend a Festival in Sondrio personally so far. This is on top of my priority list for next year!!!